POLYMAT and the University of the Basque Country initiated in 2016 a series of international workshops entitled POLYMAT Spotlight. Read more
Summer Internship 2018 in POLYMAT
POLYMAT is offering Summer Internships to 3rd and 4th Year Undergraduate Students on Chemistry (or other Science or Engineering degree). These grants will last for 2 months and a half and the institution offers 560€/month per grant*. Read more
Jaime Martín and Jorge Pascual awarded by Iberdrola Foundation
POLYMAT researchers Jaime Martín and Jorge Pascual received the 2017 award of the Iberdrola Foundation. Read more
ZIBIO Group awarded with the first Manuel Laborde Prize for their project POLIMERBIO
The Group in Science and Engineering of Polymeric Biomaterials has been recently awarded with the first Prize of the Manuel Laborde Award for their project POLIMERBIO. The spin-off was set up few months ago and is active in a variety of markets, with a focus on the biodegradable materials for the medical and the tissue engineering fields. Read more
POLYMAT Day II - 2017
Last December 1st, the second edition of POLYMAT Day was held in Carlos Santamaría Center, in Donostia-San Sebastian. In this annual event, the most relevant results of POLYMAT were presented. More that 100 participants from all the group that take part of POLYMAT attended the event. Read more
Prof. Asua during the RSEQ Awards Ceremony 2017
Prof. José María Asua, recently awarded with the "Research Excellence Award 2017" by the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ), receives the award sponsored by the International company BASF.
Read more
POLYMAT participates in the Donostia Innovation Week 2017
For the second year in a row, POLYMAT participates in the Donostia Innovation Week 2017 organized by Fomento San Sebastian. This time, we had the occasion to take part in two activities: Read more
POLYMAT Lectures: Prof. Fred Wudl from University of California. October 17-19
Prof. Fred Wudl from the University of California (Santa Barbara) will deliver three lectures in POLYMAT on ‘The Development of Molecular and Polymeric Conductors’. Read more
Emulsion Polymerization Course 2017
More than 50 people from different international institutions (both academy and industry) participated in the Emulsion Polymerization Course organized by POLYMAT. Read more
Prof. Calderon opens the POLYMAT Series of Seminars 2017-2018
Dr. Aitor Larrañaga publishes in Progress in Materials Science
Dr. Aitor Larrañaga (ZIBIO Group), in collaboration with Prof. Abhay Pandit from the National University of Ireland, has just published a review paper about polymer capsules for therapeutic applications in Progress in Materials Science (IF: 31.1). The paper is freely available until October 9, 2017: Read more
POLYMAT and Ikerbasque launch a Research Professor Position in Polymer Rheology and Innovative Processing
Dr. Jorge Fernández awarded with the 'Best Thesis 2016' prize by the Spanish Polymers Group (GEP)
Dr. Jorge Fernández from the ZIBIO group in POLYMAT headed by Prof. Sarasua, has been awarded with the 'Best Thesis 2016' award by the Spanish Polymers Group (GEP). His thesis was entitled 'Synthesis and characterization of biodegradable thermoplastic elastomers for medical applications: Novel copolyesters as an alternative to poly(lactide) and poly(e-caprolactone)' Read more
Scholarships for Master Thesis Students: Call open
POLYMAT is offering Scholarships to students of the Master in Chemistry and Polymers or any other official Master degree of UPV/EHU, to carry out their final Master’s thesis in one of our research groups. Read more
POLYMAT obtains the HR Excellence in Research Award by the European Commission
POLYMAT endorsed the European Researchers' Charter and the Code of Conduct for Researcher Recruitment. Specifically, the European Charter for Researchers outlines the functions, responsibilities and rights of investigators and their employers. The aim is to ensure that the relation between these parties contributes to successful performance in the generation, transfer and shared use of knowledge, as well as the professional development of researchers from the early stages. Read more
International Polymer Colloids Group Conference (IPCG) in Arantzazu, June 23-30
The International Polymer Colloids Group Conference has been held in Arantzazu (Oñati) from June 23 to June 30 and it has counted with 150 participants from all over the world. Read more
POLYMAT paper featured on the cover of Polymer Chemistry
The work recently published by researchers of the Polymerization Processes Group appears in the cover of the Polymer Chemistry journal, Issue 10, 2017. Read more
Prof. Juan Luis Delgado guest editor of the Special Issue on Advanced Energy Materials
Prof. Juan Luis Delgado from the Hybrid Materials for Photovoltaics Group in POLYMAT is the guest editor together with Prof. Vladimir Dyakonov, Scientific Director of the Bavarian Centre of Applied Energy Research (ZAE Bayern) in Germany. Read more
Publication in Nature Communications of Prof. Aurelio Mateo-Alonso and Dr. Marco Carini
Prof. Aurelio Mateo-Alonso and Dr. Marco Carini from the Molecular and Supramolecular Materials group of POLYMAT, in collaboration with other researchers from The University of the Basque Country, the University of Barcelona, the Institute of Bioengineering of Barcelona (IBEC) and the University of Aveiro have recently published a paper in Nature Communications about Molecuar Nanowires "High Conductance Values in π-Folded Molecular Junctions". Read more
POLYMAT participates in the "X Carrera de Empresas"
This is the third time that POLYMAT takes part in the 'X Carrera de Empresas' in Donostia-San Sebastian. Read more
Prof. José M. Asua, Scientific Director of BERC POLYMAT, awarded with the "Research Excellence Award of the RSEQ 2017"
Prof. José M. Asua, Scientific Director of BERC POLYMAT, has been awarded by the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry with the "Research Excellence Award 2017" (Premios a la Excelencia Investigadora RSEQ 2017) Read more
POLYMAT participates in the 10 years of Ikerbasque
POLYMAT participates in the 10 years of Ikerbasque. Read more
Prof. Maria Forsyth from Deakin University visiting researcher at POLYMAT
Prof. Maria Forsyth from Deakin University in Melbourne (Australia) is visiting POLYMAT until July in the Innovative Polymers Group headed by Prof. Mecerreyes. Read more
POLYMAT researcher Jon Maiz on the National News
Dr. Jon Maiz was interviewed by Antena3 Noticias for being one of the brilliant Spanish young scientists who could come back home after few years abroad. This was possible thanks to the Programme for attracting Local Talent to the town launched by Fomento San Sebastian Read more
4th POLYMAT Scientific Photography Award
PhD student Elodie Limousin wins the 4th Scientific Photography Award organized by POLYMAT. Read more
POLYMAT researchers have contributed to attract ERC funds to Euskadi
Euskadi has attracted more than 30M€ from the European Research Council (ERC) since it was stablished by the European Commission in 2007. 14 out of the 23 grants have been gained by Ikerbasque researchers.POLYMAT, with three ERC grantees and 4 grants, has played and important role in this achievement. Read more
POLYMAT participates in the "5th International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials" in Lisbon
Large representation of POLYMAT in the "5th International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials" last week in Lisbon. Prof. Jose M. Asua, Post-doctoral researcher Ali Aboudzadeh and PhD students Alicia de San Luis, Samane Mehravar and Elodie Limousin attended the conference and presented their research work to the scientific community. Read more
International Women Day - POLYMAT participates in the 'World Cafe' organized by Diputación de Gipuzkoa
POLYMAT participates as coordinator of one of the roundtable discussions in the World Cafe organized by the equality body of the Gipuzkoa's Main Council. This organism is planning an equality and co-resposibility plan for the next spring. The challenges foreseen in this event will contribute to the enrichement of the aforementioned plan. Read more
A collaboration between Fresmak and POLYMAT results in an innovative clamping system based on a reversible adhesive
Since 1967 Fresmak makes high precision clamps and mooring solutions. In its 50th aniversary, the company launches to the market F-Grip, a new clamping adhesive. This innovative solution has been made possible thanks to the collaboration with POLYMAT. In addition, the project has been recently funded by the European Commission through the Framework Programme H2020. Read more
Proyecto SUPRACOF financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad - Retos 2016
El proyecto SUPRACOF (CTQ2016-77970-R) liderado por el investigador Aurelio Mateo Alonso ha sido uno de los proyectos seleccionados para financiación en la convocatoria de ayudas a proyectos de I+D correspondientes a la convocatoria 2016 del Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, en el marco del Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016. Las entidades financiadoras son la Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). Read more
POLYMAT Researcher Dr. Jon Maiz interviewed in Cadena SER Euskadi
On Saturday, February 18, Jon Maiz was interviewed in Cadena SER Radio Euskadi together with other two researchers from CEIT and Tecnum and the responsible for Innovation and Competitiveness of Fomento San Sebastian, Iñigo Olaizola. Read more
Summer Internship 2017 in POLYMAT
POLYMAT is offering Summer Internships to 3rd and 4th Year Undergraduate Students on Chemistry (or other Science such as Physics, Biology, etc or Engineering degree). These grants will last for 2 months and a half and the institution offers 560€/month per grant*. Read more
Dr. Haritz Sardon interviewed in Radio Euskadi
Radio interview at Euskadi Irratia of POLYMAT researcher Dr. Haritz Sardon. After getting the Ikerbasque Research Fellowship, Dr. Sardon explains his research project to the general public in the Basque Country Read more
POLYMAT participates in GipuzkoaTalent fair organized by Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa
POLYMAT among other 30 top Companies from Gipuzkoa, participated in the 1st Gipuzkoa Talent Fair organized by Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa. Read more
Dr. Haritz Sardon awarded with an Ikerbasque Fellowship
Haritz Sardon receives the Ikerbasque fellowship award from Ikerbasque Foundation and by hands of the Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu. This award will help the researcher to consolidate his research career in BERC POLYMAT Read more
First POLYMAT Day edition
The first edition of POLYMAT Day was held in Donostia-San Sebastian at the Carlos Santamaría Center on December 12, 2016. More than 100 people of the twelve different research groups attended the event. An introduction by the Scientific Director of BERC POLYMAT Prof. José María Asua and the Director of POLYMAT Institute Prof. Jose Ramón Leiza opened the session that was followed by presentations of one representative of each research group. Read more
POLYMAT Prof. Thomas Schafer and PhD student Iliane Rafaniello awarded with the Manuel Laborde prize for their project about Ingenious Membranes
Prof. Aurelio Mateo-Alonso has been awarded with an ERC Consolidator Grant
The Ikerbasque Research Professor at POLYMAT has been recently awarded with the prestigious Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council. The 2 million euros grant will allow the researcher to develop his project e-sequence during the next five years. Read more
POLYMAT and CIC ENERGIGUNE sign a Collaboration Agreement
POLYMAT and CIC Energigune, which have already collaborated from 2013, signed now an agreement with the aim of developing new materials that face current challenges such as the safey, the durability and the price of the batteries. Read more
Miren Aguirre represents POLYMAT in the WeekINN of Fomento San Sebastian
Dr. Miren Aguirre participated in the Innovation Week organized by Fomento San Sebastian. Last Thursday 27, she gave a talk to the non-specialized audience entitled "La nanotecnología al servicio de pinturas inteligentes". Read more
POLYMAT is awarded with Fellows Programme Grant from Gipuzkoa's Main Council
POLYMAT has been recently awarded with the Fellows Programme grant from Gipuzkoa's Main Council. This is the first time we receive such a grant, which allows us to bring to POLYMAT a Basque talent young scientist from the Imperial College in London. Read more
Congreso sobre Igualdad y Conciliación en Donostia
El Diputado General de Gipuzkoa anuncia el lanzamiento de una experiencia piloto denominada GIPUZKOALAB en la que participarán 10 empresas de Gipuzkoa. El objetivo es abordar en la práctica la conciliación e igualdad de género en las empresas gipuzcoanas. Esta experiencia piloto cuenta con asesoramiento de la UPV/EHU. Read more
St. Patrick's English School scholars visit POLYMAT
A group of 60 students from St. Patrick's English School have visited POLYMAT as part of the Fomento San Sebastian WeekINN Agenda. Before visiting the labs, they had the chance to attend a scientific talk about polymers so that they could better understand what polymers are and the main research activities of POLYMAT. Afterwards, they went to visit the labs, guided by PhD students of the Centre. During this tour, they could see and participate in some scientific experiments such as film formation of paints, the behaviour of superabsorbants polymers in baby dipers or preparation of carbon from sugar and sulfuric acid. Read more
Prof. Jose M. Asua, Scientific Director of BERC POLYMAT, participates in the "Fellows Programme" meeting of Giipuzkoa's Council
Prof. Jose M. Asua together with other Research Center representatives, met with the main representatives of Gipuzkoa's Council on occassion of the "Fellows Programme". This programe allows to capture and retain local talent in Gipuzkoa since 2000. POLYMAT has been recently awarded with one of these grants. Read more
The article 'Atom-Thick Solution to Energy Storage Conundrum', which features the 2D-INK Project (coordinated by POLYMAT) has been highlighted in the Horizon EU R&I Magazine
The article 'Atom-Thick Solution to Energy Storage Conundrum', which features the 2D-INK Project coordinated by POLYMAT Prof. Aurelio Mateo-Alonso, has been highlighted in the Horizon EU Research&Innovation Magazine. Read more
A bridge from research to industrial application: POLYMAT and BASF direct three Phd Thesis thanks to TRACKWAY project
A bridge from research to industrial application: POLYMAT and BASF direct three Phd Thesis thanks to TRACKWAY project. Read more
POLYMAT awarded by Fundación Iberdrola
Jorge Pascual, member of the Hybrid Materials for Photovoltaics Group, from POLYMAT, has been awarded with one of the Energy and Environmental Research Grants of Fundación Iberdrola, which is awarded to young top-level professionals who are capable of contributing to changing the energy model. Read more
Soft Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications: Book published by Prof. Jacqueline Forcada from POLYMAT
Soft Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications: Book published by Prof. Jacqueline Forcada from POLYMAT Read more
Pint of Science. Juan Luis Delgado
María Loroño interviews Professor Juan Luis Delgado from POLYMAT. Read more
Prof. Jose M. Asua, Scientific Director of Berc POLYMAT participates in the Talent House 5th anniversary video.
Prof. José M. Asua, Scientific Director of Berc POLYMAT participates in the Talent House 5th anniversary video. Read more
Successful conference of Prof. Juan Luis Delgado (POLYMAT) at Pint of Science
The interesting Conference of Professor Juan Luis Delgado about "Energy and Sustainable Development: In the right direction?" at Pint of Science, generated an enriching debate with the audience on Monday 23rd of May.
Read more
New Book published by Prof. Jacqueline Forcada from POLYMAT
New Book published about polymers for Drug Delivery by Prof. Jacqueline Forcada.
"Controlled Release Systems: Advances in Nanobottles and Active Nanoparticles" Edited by Alex van Herk, Jacqueline Forcada, Giorgia Pastorin
https://www.crcpress.com/…/Herk-Forcad…/p/book/9789814613217 Read more
New POLYMAT Enterprise Racing
Three POLYMAT teams participated yesterday in the "Carrera de Empresas" in Donostia-San Sebastian, organized by Adegi, El Diario Vasco and e! Donosti Eventos.. Read more
Presentación por el Alcalde de San Sebastián del plan de desarrollo económico Donostia Up!
Presentación por el Alcalde de Donostia-San Sebastián del plan de desarrollo económico Donostia Up! Read more
Ainhoa Aizpuru and Garikoitz Agote from Gipuzkoa Provincial Council visit POLYMAT
Ainhoa Aizpuru, the Economic Promotion, Rural and Territorial Balance Deputy from Gipuzkoa, and Garikoitz Agote, the Innovation Director visited Polymat to learn about the activities and future challenges of the Research Center. Read more
POLYMAT Prof. Juan Luis Delgado´s article in Berria Newspaper
Prof. Juan Luis Delgado´s article in Berria Newspaper: you can read the whole article in this link: Read more
NEW SOLAR CELLS FOR A MORE EFFICIENT ENERGY: Very Important Paper (VIP) in ChemSusChem published by the group of Hybrid Materials for Photovoltaics.
Very Important Paper (VIP) in ChemSusChem published by the group of Hybrid Materials for Photovoltaics from BERC POLYMAT. Read more
Prof. Mateo-Alonso presents the european project 2D-INK at the FET-Open Info Day in Brussels (25.1.2016)
BERC POLYMAT Prof. Mateo-Alonso presents the european project 2D-INK at the FET-Open Info Day in Brussels (25.1.2016). Read more
POLYMAT hosts Prof. Takashi Nakanishi from Japan´s National Institute for Materials Science
During January 21-22 (2016), we had the great pleasure to host Prof. Takashi Nakanishi from Japan’s National Institute for Materials Science (http://samurai.nims.go.jp/NAKANISHI_Takashi-e.html) Read more
Prof. Jose M. Asua de la UPV/EHU, Director Científico del Berc POLYMAT, Premio de Invención e Investigación en Química Aplicada “Profesor Martínez Moreno" Universidad de Sevilla y Fundación Garcia-Cabr
El Prof. de la UPV/EHU José M. Asua, Director Científico del BERC POLYMAT ha sido galardonado con el prestigioso Premio de Invención e Investigación en Química Aplicada, “Profesor Martínez Moreno" otorgado por la Universidad de Sevilla y la Fundación García-Cabrerizo. Read more
New article published in collaboration within POLYMAT teams
New article published in collaboration within POLYMAT teams!! Emulsion Polymerization and ionic liquid chemistry gives lots of possibilities such as new latexes and coatings with magnetic properties!!! Read more
La Concejalía de Impulso Económico y POLYMAT firman un convenio para la atracción del talento local
Con este acuerdo se priorizará el apoyo a los investigadores vinculados al ámbito de los polímeros y se desarrollarán mecanismos específicos como el Programa Retorno del Talento. Ambas entidades impulsarán actividades que promuevan la innovación en las pymes y los emprendedores con la transferencia de conocimiento y oportunidades para el impulso de proyectos mediante programas compartidos. Read more
POLYMAT SPOTLIGHT 2016: International Conference on Macromolecular Materials Read more
El centro tecnológico IK4-CIDETEC y el Basque Center for Macromolecular Design and Engineering, POLYMAT Fundazioa, firman un convenio de colaboración
BERC POLYMAT, "Hybrid Materials for Photovoltaics" Group´s article on the first position of the most accessed articles in ChemSusChem (09/2015)
BERC POLYMAT, "Hybrid Materials for Photovoltaics" Group´s article on the first position of the most accessed articles in ChemSusChem (09/2015) Read more
BERC POLYMAT, "Hybrid Materials for Photovoltaics" Group´s article on the cover of ChemSusChem
BERC POLYMAT, "Hybrid Materials for Photovoltaics" Group´s article on the cover of ChemSusChem Read more
BERC POLYMAT UPV/EHU Researcher Prof. Alejandro J. Müller´s article on the cover of the Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics
BERC POLYMAT UPV/EHU Researcher Prof. Alejandro J. Müller´s article on the cover of the Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics: Read more
BERC POLYMAT UPV/EHU Researcher Prof. Alejandro J. Müller invited to give a conference at UdeM
BERC POLYMAT UPV/EHU Researcher Prof. Alejandro J. Müller invited to give a conference at UdeM: "NUCLEATION, CRYSTALLIZATION AND MORPHOLOGY OF CONFINED DIBLOCK COPOLYMERS IN NANOPOROUS ALUMINA TEMPLATES" On Wednesday, October 21, 2015. Read more
POLYMAT's PhD students Jessica Desport and Guiomar Hernandez won two of the "Best Talk Awards”
POLYMAT's PhD students Jessica Desport and Guiomar Hernandez won two of the "Best Talk Awards” in the “1st French-Spanish Joint Congress for Young Researchers in Polymers”JIP-JEPO 2015 celebrated last week in Donostia-San Sebastian. Congratulations to all the winners!! Read more
BERC POLYMAT Prof. Aurelio Mateo-Alonso invited to give a talk at the Inagurational Symposium of the Castellon Institute for Advanced Materials
BERC POLYMAT Prof. Aurelio Mateo-Alonso was invited to give a talk at the Inagurational Symposium of the Castellon Institute for Advanced Materials last Friday September 18th. Read more
POLYMAT´S ’s SPOTLIGHT WORKSHOP: Approaches to 2D and Porous Aromatic Polymers
POLYMAT and the University of the Basque Country have initiated a series of workshops, in the framework of the FET-OPEN project 2D-INK, entitled POLYMAT’s SPOTLIGHT. Read more
BERC Polymat "Hybrid Materials for Photovoltaics " group article published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition
BERC Polymat "Hybrid Materials for Photovoltaics " group article published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition: Read more
Aurelio Mateo-Alonso, investigador del grupo POLYMAT de UPV-EHU en Radio Euskadi
Entrevista de Aurelio Mateo-Alonso en el Programa de Radio Euskadi "La mecánica del Caracol" sobre el Proyecto 2D-INK : http://www.eitb.tv/es/radio/radio-euskadi/la-mecanica-del-caracol/2514856/3371688/el-grafeno-y-el-futuro-de-los-dispositivos-electronicos/?_ga=1.87098064.9342711.1437417200&__utma=144586529.9342711.1437417200.1437417200.1437417222.2&__utmb=144586529.5.10.1437417222&__utmc=144586529&__utmx=-&__utmz=144586529.1437417222.2.2.utmcsr=google|utmccn=%28organic%29|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=%28not%20provided%29&__utmv=-&__utmk=57231658 Read more
Una investigación de POLYMAT-UPV/EHU sobre derivados de grafeno recibe 3 millones de € de la UE
Un proyecto de investigación coordinado por el grupo de Materiales Moleculares y Supramoleculares de POLYMAT-UPV/EHU ha sido financiado por la Unión Europea con 2.962.661 €. El proyecto, llamado 2D-INK, busca desarrollar tintas constituidas a partir de materiales derivados del grafeno con propiedades semiconductoras, que son las propiedades necesarias para el funcionamiento de dispositivos electrónicos. A partir de estas tintas semiconductoras se podrían fabricar dispositivos electrónicos ultrafinos (como transistores, leds y células solares) utilizando la misma tecnología de las impresoras de inyección de tinta actuales. Read more
Aintzane Pikabea from POLYMAT has won one of the two Prizes for the Best Oral Presentations (RICI6), Portugal
Aintzane Pikabea from POLYMAT has won one of the two Prizes for the Best Oral Presentations in the 6th Iberian Meeting on Colloids and Interfaces (RICI6) (http://www.rici6.com/), which was held in Guimaraes, Portugal, last week. Read more
BERC-POLYMAT UPV/EHU Researcher Jessica Desport awarded as one of the Poster Prize Winner in the IPCG Polymer Colloids Conference 2015
BERC-POLYMAT UPV/EHU Researcher, Jessica Desport was awarded as one of the Poster Prize Winner in the IPCG Polymer Colloids Conference 2015 held few days ago on the campus of The University of New Hampshire, USA.. Read more
BERC POLYMAT, Prof. David Mecerreyes delivered an invited talk in the International Syimposium on Ionic Polymerization 2015 in Bordeaux last week
BERC POLYMAT, Prof. David Mecerreyes delivered an invited talk in the International Symposium on Ionic Polymerization 2015 in Bordeaux last week.
The program of the Conference put together the “classic” and new “tendencies” in polymer chemistry.
http://ip15.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/8 Read more
Prof. Juan Luis Delgado BERC POLYMAT, Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU, conferencia sobre "Células Fotovoltaicas Orgánicas e Híbridas", Lunes, 13 de julio 2015 Salón de actos CITIUS Hora: 11:30
Prof. Juan Luis Delgado BERC POLYMAT, Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU, dará una conferencia sobre "Células Fotovoltaicas Orgánicas e Híbridas", el Lunes, 13 de julio 2015 Salón de actos CITIUS Hora: 11:30. Read more
Dr. Sonia Zulfiqar (POLYMAT) is geting inspired by Nobel Prizes this week in Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings (Germany).
Once a year, some dozens of Nobel Laureates convene at Lindau to meet the next generation of leading scientists: undergraduates, PhD students,and post-doc researchers from all over the world. Read more
BERC POLYMAT Prof. Thomas Schäfer invited to give keynote lecture at Euromembrane 2015
Prof. Thomas Schäfer has been invited to give a keynote lecture at Euromembrane 2015 on DNA-Gating Membranes, Aachen, 6-10 September. Read more
BERC POLYMAT Prof.Thomas Schäfer invited to present lecture on stimuli-responsive membranes
Prof. Thomas Schäfer has been invited to present lecture on stimuli-responsive membranes at the Macromolecular Symposium of Pacificchem, Honolulu, Hawaii, 15-20 December. Read more
BERC POLYMAT, Dr. Haritz Sardon, Invited Speaker in the 2015 ISSON, Greece
The ISSON Summer Schools will give the opportunity to young researchers and early-career scientists and engineers to participate in a series of lectures on the emerging fields of Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies. Read more
Scientific Production Software Program Presentation
Today, Wednesday 24th of June, our new Scientific Production Software Program has been presented by Dr. Maitane Salsamendi to all the POLYMAT Researchers. Read more
POLYMAT UPV/EHU Researchers have participated in a Science Communication Focus Group
Maria Loroño Leturiondo is conducting a study on Science Communication together with the University of Copenhagen and The Basque Center for Climate Change (BC3). Read more
BERC POLYMAT, Prof. Alejandro J. Müller invited to give a Key-note lecture at BIOPOL 2015
Professor Alejandro J. Müller invited to give a "Key-Note Lecture" at BIOPOL 2015 in DONOSTIA from the 6th to the 8th of October 2015. Read more
BERC POLYMAT, Juan Luis Delgado Researcher invited to give a talk entitled: Carbon-Based Materials for light harvesting and solar cells"
BERC POLYMAT, Juan Luis Delgado Researcher, will deliver an invited talk entitled "Carbon-Based Materials for light harvesting and solar cells" on Tuesday, June 30, 2015 in VYKM 2 between 15:00 and 17:00 hours.
Read more
BERC POLYMAT, Prof. Alejandro J. Müller invited to deliver a lecture at he Seventh International Symposium on Engineering Plastics (EP'2015 Xining)
Professor Alejandro J. Müller has been invited to deliver an "Invited Lecture" at The Seventh International Symposium on Engineering Plastics (EP'2015 Xining) that will be held in Xining, Qinghai Province, China, August 18-21, 2015: Read more
BERC POLYMAT, Professor Alejandro J. Müller invited to deliver the 2014-2015 IUPAC Lecture in Chemistry at the University of Montreal, Canada.
Professor Alejandro J. Müller has been invited to deliver the 2014-2015 IUPAC Lecture in Chemistry at the University of Montreal, Canada. Read more
BERC POLYMAT, Prof. Alejandro J. Müller invited to give two lectures at PACIFICHEM, Honolulu, Hawai
Professor Alejandro J. Müller has been invited to give two invited lectures at PACIFICHEM, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA DECEMBER 15 - 20, 2015 Read more
2nd Announcement of the Emulsion Polymerization Processes Course
2nd Announcement of the Emulsion Polymerization Processes Course Read more
Dr. Haritz Sardon from BERC-Polymat talking at pintofscienceES
Dr. Haritz Sardon from BERC-Polymat yesterday talking about "The importance of chemistry in a sustainable world" at pintofscienceES Read more
Dr. Miren Aguirre from Polymat talking at pintofscienceES
Dr. Miren Aguirre, a researcher from Polymat talking about "Nanotechnology at the service of intelligent paintings" at pintofscienceES Read more
Dr. Audrey Bonnefond from Polymat talking at pintofscienceES
Dr. Audrey Bonnefond, a researcher from Polymat talking about "Nanotechnology at the service of intelligent paintings" at pintofscienceES Read more
BERC POLYMAT, Juan Luis Delgado Researcher, Invited Speaker in the 2015 EMN Istanbul Meeting
The 2015 EMN Istanbul Meeting aims to be a unique platform for leading scientists, researchers, scholars and engineers from academia, R&D laboratories and industry around the world to exchange, share and learn the most recent advancement on various aspects related to nanotechnology, and energy-related materials and technologies. Read more
BERC POLYMAT, Jose Ramos Julián Researcher, Invited Speaker in the 2015 ISBPPB Annual Conference
The International Society of Biomedical Polymers and Polymeric Biomaterials (ISBPPB) organization is engaged in educating, networking, advocating and advancing the field of biomedical polymers and polymeric biomaterials internationally. ISBPPB intends to serve members from industry, academia and government institutions worldwide. Read more
BERC POLYMAT, Nicholas Ballard Researcher, Invited Speaker in the 2015 IPCG Polymer Colloids Conference
The 2015 IPCG meeting's program will bring together world leading scientists to discuss the latest developments in the area of colloidal polymer science. The talks of the invited speakers will feature a balance of traditional and emerging applications for polymer colloids, following the themes of colloids for life, engineering colloids, and colloidal machines. Read more
POLYMAT: Thomas Schäfer, one of the Masterclass of Excellence Mentors
The Masterclass of Excellence Mentors are distinguished researchers representing diverse scientific domains from across Europe: Thomas Schäfer – professor at University of the Basque Country, Spain, a multi-disciplinary researcher of mixed-matrix and stimuli-responsive membrane technologies. Read more
POLYMAT: Enterprise racing
On Sunday May 10th, POLYMAT researchers participate in the VIII Enterprise Racing organized by Adegi, El Diario Vasco and e! Donosti Eventos. Read more
Master Grants & Praktiges Summer Internships
Master Grants & Praktiges Summer Internships for 3rd and 4th year students
Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science. Read more
Pint of Science
On Tuesday May 19th at 7 pm, at Ni Neu Bar, (Kursaal) Dr. Haritz Sardon, Dr. Miren Aguirre and Dr. Audrey Bonnefond from POLYMAT will make a speech in Spanish about "The importance of chemistry in a sustainable world" and about the "Nanotechnology at the service of intelligent paintings". Read more
Course on Emulsion Polymerization Processes, September 7-11, 2015
Polymerization in aqueous dispersed phase is spawning due to environmental pressures and a constant market demand for developing products of increased performance. At the same time, global competition are pushing emulsion polymer producers to efficient, safe and environmentally friendly production of materials with improved performance, which can only be achieved by means of knowledge-based production strategies. Read more
POLYMAT Laboratory Safety Course
Today, Friday 13th of February, Laboratory Safety Course has been presented at POLYMAT headquarters by our Risk Prevention Technician, Marcos Morales, from "IMQ Prevención". Read more
Fabrican agua seca de manera sencilla
La investigadora de la UPV/EHU Ana Margarida Fernandes está trabajando en el desarrollo de "canicas líquidas", también conocidas como agua seca. Read more
Prof. Alejandro J. Müller, POLYMAT (UPV/EHU): New Editor or the European Polymer Journal
We are very pleased to announce that Professor Alejandro J. Müller from POLYMAT, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), has become Editor for Polymer Physics and Technology of the European Polymer Journal as of 1 November 2014. Read more
POLYMAT Group Photo
POLYMAT Group Photo, Christmas 2014. Read more
1st French-Spanish Joint Congress for Young Researchers in Polymers
1st French-Spanish Joint Congress for Young Researchers in Polymers in Donostia-San Sebastian SPAIN, from the 14-18 September 2015 (Carlos Santa Maria Center). Read more
Article from Thomas Schäffer in NATURE: Science policy: Europe is failing young researchers
An article from Thomas Schäfer On behalf of 15 correspondents (see Supplementary Information for full list).
Science policy: Europe is failing young researchers. Read more
El lehendakari recibe a los investigadores Ikerbasque que se han incorporado durante 2014
Los científicos IKERBASQUE incorporados a sus puestos de investigación durante 2014 fueron recibidos ayer por el Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, durante el encuentro anual celebrado en Lehendakaritza. Read more
2nd Scientific Photography Award
2nd Scientific Photography Award Read more
Thomas Schäfer Interviewed in El Diario Vasco
Thomas Schäfer, Presidente de la Red Europea de Jóvenes Investigadores entrevistado en El Diario Vasco. Read more
6th European Innovation Summit Programme Overview
Thomas Schäfer, Chair of the European Network of Young Researchers gave a Conference Session "The Next Generation Innovators" in the European Parlament on November 18th. Read more
Premio Euskadi de Investigación 2014
Orden de 4 de noviembre de 2014, de la Consejera de Educación, Universidades e Investigación por la que se convoca el Premio Euskadi de Investigación 2014, con el fin de fomentar la actividad científica. Modalidad Ciencia y Tecnología. Read more
Seminario Prof. Prato 30th October
Nanomedicine and Material Application of Functionalized Carbon Nanomaterials Seminar Read more
Chemistry - A European Journal Special Issue: European Young Chemists
Our work has been highlighted in the cover and with frontispiece image in the European Young Chemists Issue ow.ly/Ah7Rc Read more
El Gobierno Vasco Impulsa la Investigación de Excelencia
16th International Symposium on Novel Aromatic Compounds (ISNA-16)
Prof. Aurelio Mateo-Alonso is one of the invited speakers in the 16th International Symposium on Novel Aromatic Compounds (ISNA-16). Read more
POLYMAT awarded by Fundación Iberdrola
Dr. Haritz Sardon, member of the Innovative Polymers Group, from POLYMAT, has been awarded with one of the Energy and Environmental Research Grants of Fundación Iberdrola, which is awarded to young top-level professionals who are capable of contributing to changing the energy model. Read more
Materialen arloan sortzen ari diren aurrerapenek eragin handia dute gure eguneroko bizitzan eta, halaber, produkzio-sarean. Ez dago eremurik non material berrien oihartzuna nabaritzen ez den: medikuntza, energia, garraioa, eraikuntza, elektronika, oihalgintza, etab. Materialen ikerkuntzan eta garapenean funtsezkoa da Egitura-Prozesaketa-Propietateak-Aplikazioak korrelazioa; beraz, materialen zientzia eta teknologia zeharkakoa da izatez. Euskal Herrian baditugu hainbat ingeniari, fisikari, kimikari eta biologo, materialen zientzia eta teknologia garatzen ari direnak, bai unibertsitate, bai zentro teknologiko eta enpresetan. Pertsona horien interesak, ikuspegiak eta lorpenak azaltzeko antolatu zen 2012an Arrasaten Materialen Zientzia eta Teknologia I kongresua, zeinetan 100 pertsona inguru elkartu baikinen. Orain dela bi urte hartutako konpromisoari helduz, eta harian haritik jarraituz, aurten Materialen Zientzia eta Teknologia II kongresua antolatu dugu. Read more
Ikerbasque and Polymat Prof. Aurelio Mateo-Alonso participates in the press presentation of Ikerbasque Research Professor new call
Prof. Aurelio Mateo-Alonso, Ikerbasque researcher, who leads Polymat Molecular and Supramolecular Materials Group, invited Itziar Alkorta, Basque Government Vice counselor for Education and University and Fernando Cossío, Director of Ikerbasque Foundation to visit the Polymat Laboratories. Read more
SPE NANOTEC 2014 is a technical conference addressed to supply a technical-commercial plattform to share and to present case studies of new nanotechnology applications that have shown to enhance the polymers and plastics performance. Read more
The 1st Summer School in "Polymers for a Sustainable World" (SUSPOL) in Donostia-San Sebastián (Spain) in June 24-27, 2014
The 1st Summer School in "Polymers for a Sustainable World" (SUSPOL) will take place in Donostia-San Sebastian (Spain) in June 24-27, 2014. This summer school will be organized in collaboration between two Marie Curie Initial Training Networks, Renaissance (http://www.renaissance-itn.eu) and Refine (http://www.fp7-refine.eu), in the frame of the Summer Courses of the University of the Basque Country. Registration will take place in May 2014. Read more
Conferencias UFI-2014: Grupo de Catálisis Asimétrica y Síntesis Química
Conferencias UFI-2014
Grupo de Catálisis Asimétrica y Síntesis Química Read more
Particles and particle systems characterisation: the Basque Country Special Issue
Particles and particle systems characterisation: the Basque Country Special Issue Read more
"Zientzia egiten duenak bere lana komunikatzeko gai izan behar du"
Bizitzan badira momentu batzuk non, gustatu edo ez, erabakiak hartu behar diren. Ez gabiltza ile kolorea aldatzeaz edota kotxe berri bat erosteaz ari. Erabaki garrantzitsuez mintzo gara. Bizitza betiko markatuta utzi dezaketen erabakiez, hain zuzen ere. Hauetako bat da, zalantzarik gabe, ikasketen aukeraketa. Hori bai lan zaila! Asko pentsatutakoan, batzuek fisika ikastea erabakiko dute, besteek, berriz, filosofia. Normalean, 18 urte ingururekin egiten da aukeraketa hori eta, bizitzako momentu horretan, askok ez dute bat ere argi etorkizunean zer izan nahi duten. Bokazioak ez du beraien atean oraingoz jo. Read more
Studies from the University of the Basque Country Add New Findings in the Area of Materials Science and Physical Chemistry
Additional information may be obtained by contacting Y. Reyes, Univ Basque Country UPV EHU, POLYMAT, Polimeroen Zientzia & Telmol Saila, Joxe Mari Korta ZentroaKim Zientzien Fak, Donostia San Sebastian 20018, Spain. Additional authors for this research include P.J. Peruzzo, M. Fernandez,M. Paulis and J.R. Leiza.
Read more
Minisymposium: Frontiers on Molecular and Supramolecular Materials: from Synthesis to Applications
Minisymposium: Frontiers on Molecular and Supramolecular Materials: from Synthesis to Applications Read more
Sixth International Symposium Technologies for Polymer Electronics
The Symposium is jointly organized by the Technische Universität Ilmenau (TU Ilmenau) and the technology-oriented polymer research institute TITK in Rudolstadt. Read more
"Los coloides están hasta en la leche que desayunamos todos los días"
Entrevista a Jacqueline Forcada, Investigadora Principal del Grupo Bionanopartículas de la UPV/EHU. Read more
El Berc Polymat dará respuesta a los retos que plantea el siglo XXI
Entrevista a José M. Asua, Director del BERC POLYMAT. Read more
POLYMAT awarded by Fundación Iberdrola
Dr. Raul Garcia Sanz, member of the Molecular and Supramolecular Materials Group, from POLYMAT, has been awarded with one of the Energy and Environmental Research Grants of Fundación Iberdrola, which is awarded to young top-level professionals who are capable of contributing to changing the energy model. Read more
Recortes que pueden cercenar el futuro
Los científicos avisan a las Administraciones de las graves consecuencias que podrían desprenderse de la falta de apoyos a la investigación. Read more
Thomas Schäfer: Launching the Young Academy of Europe
Last December in Brussels, more than 70 scientists, policymakers, and representatives of European funding bodies gathered to explore how Europe could better support the next generation of scientists. The meeting marked the official launch of the Young Academy of Europe (YAE), a pan-European, grassroots association of top young scientists intended to foster scientific exchange and networking and to influence science policy. Read more
Ikerbasque y la upv/ehu promueven tres nuevos centros de investigación en neurociencia, nuevos materiales y diseño macromolecular
La consejera y presidenta de Ikerbasque Isabel Celaá y el rector de la UPV/EHU Iñaki Goirizelaia han presentado estos nuevos centros junto a sus Directores Científicos. Se eleva a nueve el número de Centros de Investigación Básica y Excelencia (BERC) con que cuenta el sistema de ciencia en el País Vasco. Read more
Investigador vasco del BERC POLYMAT reconocido con un importante proyecto de investigación básica del programa ERC-IDEAS
El Consejo de Europa reconoce a David Mecerreyes, investigador del recientemente creado BERC Polymat, UPV/EHU, con un prestigioso contrato ERC Consolidator del Programa Europeo IDEAS. Read more
Ikerbasque atrae a Euskadi 40 millones de euros para investigación
Logra contratar a casi 200 investigadores procedentes de 24 países para trabajar en la Fundación Read more
Ikerbasque da luz verde a la creación de tres nuevos BERC
BILBAO. Ya se conoce la especialidad y los responsables de los tres nuevos centros de investigación que pasarán a formar parte del sistema de ciencia vasco. Los tres centros que se pondrán en marcha son el Basque Excellence Research Centre (BERC) de materiales, aplicaciones y nanoestructuras, que dirigirá José Manuel Barandiaran; el BERC de Neurociencia, a cargo de Carlos Matute; y el BERC de diseño macromolecular, con José Mª Asua como responsable. La presidenta del Patronato de Ikerbasque, la consejera de Educación Isabel Celaá, anunció ayer que la Fundación Ikerbasque ha iniciado los trámites correspondientes para poner en marcha tres nuevos centros. Read more
Ikerbasque aprueba crear este año otros tres centros de investigación de excelencia
Euskadi contará desde este mismo año con tres nuevos BERC -centros vascos de investigación de excelencia, por sus siglas en inglés-, que se centrarán en las neurociencias, el análisis de materiales, aplicaciones y nanoestructuras, y los polímeros (macromoléculas). Read more
Ikerbasque impulsará tres nuevos BERC
Esta decisión se ha tomado tras un importante trabajo de evaluación previo con la participación de expertos internacionales y el propio comité científico asesor de la Fundación Read more
11 egun euskaraz Read more
Basque Center for Macromolecular Design and Engineering-POLYMAT Fundazioa (www.polymat.eu) is a research center based in Donostia-San Sebastian associated to the University of the Basque Country. It is devoted to use-inspired fundamental research on synthesis, assembly and processing of polymers. Read more
A new paradigm for repairing cardiovascular disease. POLYMAT Group Leader and ViceDirector Prof.David Mecerreyes participates in a UPV/EHU European project to repair cardiovascular diseases thanks to nanotechnology, cardiology and light technologies
The main objective of the LION-HEARTED project, funded by the European Commission, is to develop a novel approach to promote cardiac repair by blending nanotechnology, cardiology and light technologies. Read more