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Marta Ximenis is one of the 5 new researchers of the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council's Fellows Gipuzkoa programme

Gipuzkoa's R&D&I ecosystem has incorporated 5 new high-level researchers through the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council's Fellows Gipuzkoa grant programme, the call for applications for which has recently been resolved. The Deputy General Markel Olano and the Deputy for Economic Promotion and Strategic Projects Jabier Larrañaga have received four of the new Fellows incorporations and the representatives of their respective centres, in a working meeting in which they have been able to learn first-hand about the content of the projects they are going to develop, and in which Olano has stressed the importance of continuing to promote talent and R&D&I in the territory. "Committing to science and research means committing to a strong and advanced economy, based on knowledge, and sowing the seeds for advances that improve people's health and wellbeing. In times of uncertainty like the ones we are living in, continuing to increase the excellence of our research ecosystem is essential to continue collectively building a better future," he said.

Marta Ximenis is one of the researchers joining the project this year is. Her project aims to design intelligent biocompatible implants from polymers based on amino acids prepared by 3D printing. The aim is to improve people's quality of life by reducing the risks of current implants.

The regional government has maintained the financial endowment of the programme, in order to continue supporting the research personnel who benefited from this programme in the previous call for applications. Among them is our researcher Irune Villalluenga for the third consecutive year.