Leire San José Peraita


Leire San José Peraita
PhD Student

Centro Joxe Mari Korta
Avenida de Tolosa, 72
20018 Donostia - San Sebastián

email: leire.sanjose@polymat.eu
Tel:+34 943 015476


Leire San José earned her BSc in Chemistry from the University of the Basque Country in 2016. During her studies she spent six months at The University of Texas at Austin (USA).

In 2018 she earned her MSc in Forensic Science from the University of Strathclyde (UK), obtaining the specialization in Forensic Chemistry.

She has worked as a postgraduate researcher after been awarded with the internship for graduates ERASMUS+ EPEZ XI at Tyndall National Institute (Ireland) and with the Global Training scholarship program at QPS GmbH (Austria).


Leire joined the Nanohybrids and Interactive Polymers group in the Institute of Polymer Science and Technology (ICTP-CSIC) in Madrid in 2020, where she focused on the research of fluorescent ZnO quantum dots coupled with RAFT multifunctionalized polymers.

Currently, she works at POLYMAT in the group of Prof. Thomas Schäfer.

Membranes for Water and Air
