Dr. Kais Dhbaibi


Dr. Kais Dhbaibi

Centro Joxe Mari Korta
Avenida de Tolosa, 72
20018 Donostia-San Sebastián

email: kais.dhbaibi@polymat.eu
Tel:+34 943506067


Kais Dhbaibi obtained his engineering degree in analytical chemistry in 2015 from Tunis-El Manar University (Tunisia).

In November 2019, he defended his Ph.D. Thesis, entitled "Preparation of helicenic p-conjugated emitters of Circularly Polarized light" in the Organometallics: Materials & Catalysis (OMC) group at the Rennes Institute of Chemical Sciences (ISCR) in France under the supervision of Dr. Jeanne Crassous, Dr. Ludovic Favereau, and Prof. Bassem Jamoussi. During his doctoral studies, he was awarded a PhD scholarship from the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Information Technology of Tunisia and Campus France scholarship. 

After his PhD, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in Dr. Fabrice Pointillart's group studying the development of new multifunctional lanthanide Single‐Molecule Magnets (SMM) complexes.

In September 2022 he will join the group of Prof. Aurelio Mateo-Alonso in Molecular and Supramolecular Materials Laboratories at POLYMAT to work on the synthesis of nanographene and covalent organic frameworks.


His PhD work focused on the design of chiral organic molecules with intense chiroptical properties (Electronic Circular Dichroism (ECD), Circularly Polarized Luminescence (CPL)) to explore the potential of chirality property in optoelectronic applications (CP-OLED, OPV, ...) and spintronic devices via the Chiral-Induced Spin Selectivity effect (CISS). His postdoctoral research interests lie in the field of the investigation of the static and dynamic magnetic properties of SMM molecules and the studies of Magneto‐chiral Dichroism (MChD) and CPL responses in enantioenriched lanthanide ions.

Molecular & Supramolecular Materials
