Prof. Jose-Ramon Sarasua


Prof. Jose-Ramon Sarasua

Escuela de Ingeniería de Bilbao

Plaza Ingeniero Torres Quevedo 1

48013 Bilbao


Tel:+34 946 014271



BS and MS in Chemistry (Macromolecules) from the University of the Basque Country, Donostia-San Sebastian (1987, 1989). PhD in Mechanics from Université Bordeaux 1, Bordeaux, France (1994). Postdoctoral researcher at University Laval (Québec, Canada) working on crystallization and melting of polylactides (1995-1996). Since 1997 he is lecturer of the University of the Basque Country, Department of Mining Metallurgy Engineering & Materials Science, School of Engineering of Bilbao. Promoted to assistant professor in 2002, he has been distinguished as full Professor in 2012.


Honors and awards

He received the Carlos Santamaria Award in 1995 for the research entitled “Beira eta karbono zuntzez sendotutako polimeroen erreologia egoera solidoan-Solid state rheology of polymers reinforced with glass and carbon fibres”. 


His research has been mainly focused on the structure-property relationships of biodegradable polymers for medical applications. He has led from its starting in 2003 the research group on Science and Engineering of Polymeric Biomaterials (ZIBIO Group), a consolidated research group recognized by the Basque Government during the successive 2006, 2009 and 2012 evaluations. As principal investigator he has earned funding for over 25 research projects. He has directed 9 doctoral thesis (other 7 in due course), given seminars and contributed in congresses throughout the world, and has also published over 60 scientific papers.

Science and Engineering of Polymeric Biomaterials
