Dr. Rafael del Olmo Martínez


Dr. Rafael del Olmo Martínez

Centro Joxe Mari Korta
Avenida de Tolosa, 72
20018 Donostia-San Sebastián

email: rafael.delolmo@polymat.eu
Tel:+34 943 01 87 30


Rafael Del Olmo earned his B. Sc in Chemistry (2017) and his Master’s in Chemistry Research (2018) from the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.

He developed his PhD studies at Polymat and at the University of the Basque Country (2022). During the mentioned PhD he spent 6 months at Deakin University / Institute for Frontier Materials under the supervision of Prof. Maria Forsyth. His thesis work was focused on the development of innovative organic mixed ionic-electronic conducting materials for high-energy density lithium-ion batteries for liquid- and solid-state devices. His interests are the design and development of advanced materials with unique transport properties for energy conversion.


After his PhD, he began post-doctoral studies at Polymat under the supervision of Dr. Irune Villaluenga, with the aim of developing nanostructured hybrid materials with battery interest. The goal is to obtain densely and highly ionically conducting materials for high-performance solid-state batteries at room temperature. The processing and assembly of the materials involved will also be studied for their up-scalable application.

Inorganic-polymer hybrid and nanostructured materials
